> So I'd suggest, as a real fix, you complain to the exim developpers
> so they support "--" as  "stop option parsing here", which is the
> usual Unix convention.

Before anyone does complain, can I just point out that it appears to
have been fixed already for at least 10 months:

$ /usr/sbin/sendmail -bV
Exim version 2.05 #1 built 7-Nov-1998 00:31:06
Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1998
$ /usr/sbin/sendmail -- -bV

And I got an error message by e-mail:

# A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients. The
# following address(es) failed:
#     unknown local-part "-bv" in domain "rano.demon.co.uk"

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