Hi Bjoern!
[ Haettest Du auch auf der SuSE-Liste fragen duerfen! ;-) ]
On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Bjoern Buerger wrote:
> is there a way to reload .muttrc without exiting mutt ?
I´ve collected some answers to this question appeared in this mailing
list. So "Thank You!": Mike, Tim, David, Christian and Byrial.
> Does mutt have a facility to reload its settings from .muttrc without
> quitting and re-running it?
Depends on what you've changed.
> I sometimes want to make a change while I'm busy working through my
> mail and don't always want to leave it until I've finished reading my
> mail.
Most of the time, I'm making a one-line change to the file, and I simple
cut-n-paste the new command at the ":" prompt in Mutt. Then I can see
what effect the change has.
If you're modifying send-hooks, though, there isn't any un-send-hook
command that I'm aware of, so it's difficult to remove and reapply them
without restarting Mutt.
You can load your .muttrc with the command ":source .muttrc". However,
this will not actually reload your settings. It will load the settings
in .muttrc in top of any current settings. For testing some changes
(especially some hooks), I've found no other solution than to quit and
restart mutt so as to get a clean .muttrc load from scratch.
I use 'folder-hook . source ~/.mutt/muttrc' to do this, then
any time I change my muttrc, I do a <c><!><return>.
Put the following line in your .muttrc and you can reload the .muttrc
with ESC r whenever you want.
macro index \er ":source ~/.muttrc\n" "Reload muttrc"
macro pager \er ":source ~/.muttrc\n" "Reload muttrc"
You can reset all variables to their default values with
":reset all" before sourcing .muttrc, but other configuration
(key bindings, macros, colors, hooks etc.) cannot be reset in a
simple way.
Carsten Raas -- Xantener Str. 13 -- 50733 Koeln
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