> > Situation: A particular mailing list sets a Reply-To: of the list
> > address, so that replies are pointed back to the list.
> You can tell Mutt about the mailing list using the 'lists' command, and
> 'set ignore_list_reply_to', so that Mutt will ignore the Reply-To if it
> points to a mailing list address. That means your 'r' key will always
> reply back to the sender, and your 'L' key will always reply back to the
> list. If you get in the habit of using 'L' when you're reading a
> mailing list, you'll always do the right thing. :)
Thanks, that clears up for me the reason that 'lists' was suggested in
the first place. Now I just have to figure out how to make mutt display
the sender in the index, and not "To 'mutt-users'". Back to the manual.
Thanks again.
- Forrest