Note: You will need qmail maildirs and a mailboxes line in .muttrc
to understand my questions below.

I get a list of all my (qmail) maildirs by pressing 'c' and
then three tabs. Now, the cursor is at the number 1 maildir
(the one at the top).

First question:
How do I sort the listing to the same order as they are
in .muttrc, in the mailboxes line?

Second question:
Now, for every maildir where there is new mail, the is an
'N' flag.
Therefore, I would expect that pressing tab again, would
make the cursor jump to the next maildir line which has
new mail. It doesnt. Instead I get a directory listing
one level down in the maildir at the cursor, which
I find pretty useless:

->  1   drwxr-xr-x 147 unitfj   users       24576 Aug 06 12:35 ../
    2   drwx------  2 unitfj   users      105472 Aug 06 12:19 cur/
    3   drwx------  2 unitfj   users       21504 Aug 06 12:24 new/
    4   drwx------  2 unitfj   users        1024 Aug 06 12:24 tmp/

How do I, instead, make the 4th. tab move the cursor to the next
maildir with has new mail?

Third question:
What is the use of the listing I get at the 2nd tab press?

P.S. I have 23 maildirs.

Med venlig hilsen / Regards 
Netdriftgruppen / Network Management Group

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