> I have this problem with saving tagged files. I have no problem
> tagging a file. When I hit 't' it tags the message. But when I hit 's' to
> save the tagged messages, it only saves the current message. What I want
> to do is save a bunch of files I've tagged, instead of hitting 's' at each
> of them.
> Am I misunderstanding what it means to tag a file. Or might I be
> using the wrong command to do this?
From the manual:
"Once you have tagged the desired messages, you can use the ``tag- prefix''
operator, which is the ``;'' (semicolon) key by default. When the
``tag-prefix'' operator is used, the next operation will be applied to all
tagged messages if that operation can be used in that manner. If the
``$auto_tag'' variable is set, the next operation applies to the tagged
messages automatically, without requiring the ``tag-prefix''."
Jeremy Blosser | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://jblosser.firinn.org/
"Would you fight to the death, for that which you love?
In a cause surely hopeless ...for that which you love?"
-- D. McKiernan, _Dragondoom_
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