Does anyone know if support for PGP6.5.1 has as of yet been implimented in mutt? If not how difficult would it be to add support? thanks -matt
- Re: Support for pgp6.5.1 Matthew Cordes
- Re: Support for pgp6.5.1 Jeremy Blosser
- Off-Topic: pgp651 sources (was "Re: ... David Thorburn-Gundlach
- Re: Off-Topic: pgp651 sources (was &q... Stefan `Sec` Zehl
- Re: Off-Topic: pgp651 sources (wa... David Thorburn-Gundlach
- Re: Off-Topic: pgp651 sources (was &q... Jeremy Blosser
- Re: Off-Topic: pgp651 sources (was &q... Thomas Roessler