On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 11:02:41PM +0200, Niels Rasmussen wrote:
> Hi all
> As a newbie I must say that I am getting exstremely frustrated at the moment !!
> Mutt is a wonderfull mailclient with all the features that I always wanted!
> But why in the H... cant I send mail with it ??
> In the last 12 hours I have tried to make it work, is it at all possible ??
> sendmail:
> DSsmtp.ISP.dk
> And ??
> muttrc:
> set sendmail="/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem"
> And ??
On linux, this is typically '/usr/sbin/sendmail .... '
Typo ???
> Any suggestions will be greeted with a abnormally high optimism !!
> Thanks in advance :-(
Hal B
Linux helps those who help themselves