Steve Crane dixit:
> Earlier this week someone recommended adding
>   set editor ="vim +'/^[ ,\t]*> --/,/^-- /-2d'"
> to .muttrc to strip out the signature on a reply so I implemented this.
> It works fine but but if the regexp is not found (when sending a new
> message for instance), I get an error message and must press return to
> continue.  This is rather irritating and I was wondering if there is any
> way around it.

Strange ... that should be in the .vimrc file, not in the .muttrc file.

In your .muttrc all you have set is the path to vim;  for instance, I
have one vim config file for working with mutt:

set editor="/usr/bin/vim -u ~/.vimrc.mutt"

then, in your .vimrc (.vimrc.mutt in my case), put somethin like:

map ,kqs G?^> *-- $<CR>d/^-- $/<C-M>

this is supposed to work ... it doesn't for me though!

Valencia - ESPAŅA

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