Ah, works like a charm. For future reference, where is the documentation for the muttrc options? Thanks, -Mike > > I believe what you're looking for is this in your .muttrc: > > set record="=sent-mail" > > HTH. > > Forrest > -- > Forrest Carpenter > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > http://spite.com/ > -- Mike Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> System Administrator Global Sourcing Network
- (Fwd) Re: Copy to self doesn't work? Mike Bridge
- Re: (Fwd) Re: Copy to self doesn't work? E Forrest Carpenter
- Re: (Fwd) Re: Copy to self doesn't work? Mike Bridge
- Re: (Fwd) Re: Copy to self doesn't work? Marco Goetze
- Re: (Fwd) Re: Copy to self doesn't work? Jeremy Blosser