David DeSimone writes:
> > As a result, mutt seems to think any and every piece of mail forwarded
> > from my ISP was sent by me, when it reality it wasn't 90% of the time: 
> > it was sent by someone else, and forwarded from an alternate address.
> Can you show us the headers from such a forwarded message?  This doesn't
> sound right at all.

Sure. Rather than include it here, I put it online at:


When I use mutt to read this folder (using the '-f' option) I get:

  1 O   Jul 21 To Perl5 Porte ( 19) [p5p] Re: FMTEYEWTK on Perl "Prototypes"    
  2 O   Jul 21 To OT Users Gr ( 31) Re: (OTUG) Capturing technical requirements
  3 O   Jul 21 To ClearCase U ( 91) [cciug] CM positions in the Bay Area

and yet I was not the originator of any of these messages. My output from
"mutt -v" is as follows:

  Mutt 0.95.4i (1999-03-03)
  System: SunOS 5.5.1
  Compile options:

> It sounds to me like some other program already munged the headers when
> it forwarded the mail between accounts!  Are you using a simple .forward
> file, or is there something more?

I have a simple .forward file containing only my email address:

  $ cat .forward

> As far as I know, Mutt only uses the From: header if it's there, and
> never uses the Received: headers to figure out anything.

Thats what I would hope. I don't understand why it thinks those
messages are from me, and how to convince it that they aren't.

Thanks for they reply!
Brad Appleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.enteract.com/~bradapp/
  "And miles to go before I sleep." -- Robert Frost

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