And Eric Boehm spake, saying:
> I am still having problems getting mutt (0.95.5i) to recognize my
> mailboxes. However my guess is that because I have xbuffy watching the
> mailboxes that it screwing up mutt's watching the mailboxes.
> Is it possible to get the two to coexist?
> I know it seems redundant but I do like the feature in mutt that when I change
> mailboxes it automatically fills in mailboxes with new mail. But I also like
> being able to see which mailboxes have mail without having to go into mutt.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated -- even if it is to tell me that it can't
> be done.
> - --
> ------------------------------
It's do-able, if you don't mind rebuilding xbuffy. I ended up modifying
the source to store the last atime/mtime for the mailbox before it touches
it, and then to restore those values when it's finished. IIRC, it was a
fairly trivial change. I've got the modified source in front of me, but I
don't seem to have a copy of the original code to generate diffs from. If
anyone can point me to a copy of the xbuffy source (I'm using version 3.1),
I'll run a diff and send it out.
Wesley Hart
You can't spell 'Terry's table whore' without 'Robert Wesley Hart'.