On 07/14/99 Brian Barrett uttered the following other thing:
> Hello.
> I am running Mutt 0.95.6i with IMAP support enabled. IMAP support
> seems to be working well, with one notable exception. I would like to
> be able to mark a mail as deleted, exit MUTT without expunging that
> piece of mail, re-enter MUTT and have it still marked as deleted.
> Unfortunately, I can can mark as deleted and expunge on exit, but when
> I exit without expunging, all the delete marks are gone next time I
> start MUTT. Any suggestions?
Currently, there is no way to do this. Mutt's IMAP handling mimics its
handling of other mail folders, in that it doesn't store in the folder
the difference between marked for deletion and purged.
I don't understand the difference either, but that's just me.
> Also, is there any way to browse listing of folders I have on the IMAP
> server?
Not with that version of mutt. The development version does have
support for folder browsing in it.
Brandon Long "There are no things that man was not meant to know.
Fiction L Networks There are, perhaps, some things man is too dumb
to figure out, but that's a different problem."
http://www.fiction.net/blong/ -- Michael Kurland