On  0, Aris Mulyono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 01:18:49PM -0600, Steve Talley wrote:
> > When replying to someone with a quoted ("> ") message, is it
> > possible for mutt to automatically remove their signature (as
> > denoted with "-- ")?
> Assuming you use vi editor,
> Try this in .muttrc:
> set editor ="vi +'/^[ ,\t]*> --/,/^-- /-2d'"

and for jed...

define kill_sig ()
       push_spot ();
       if (bol_fsearch (">--"))
                push_mark ();
                forward_paragraph ();
                del_region ();
       pop_spot ();

then just bind this to a key, or run it automatically run the command line,
ie in set editor="jed -f kill_sig".

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