David Thorburn-Gundlach [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Hi, folks --
> I'm now starting to look at mutt for my office, where I can get into
> the evil Exchange server via IMAP.  Having not played much with IMAP

You have my sympathy.

> (and, in fact, obviously not understanding too much about it), I'm not
> too sure to what release to go.  I use a moderately patched 0.95.4i out
> at my real server, but don't think that it has enough IMAP capability.
> Is there a stable IMAP-aware mutt, or do I have to go into the dreaded
> development branch? (OK, that last bit was an exaggeration :-)

I'm currently using IMAP with mutt .95i and exchange server 5.5 at work.  The
only time I've had a problem was when I was reading my mail from two
simultaneous instances of mutt accessing the exchange server and some other
weird stuff.  In that case my only problem was not being able to exit mutt
except with a ^c-y.  Just enable imap when you compile it and you are ready to
go.  (assuming you have it enabled for yourself on the ES of course).  If you
need help accessing your folders/etc let me know.  
> Is there an IMAP-Notes file a la PGP-Notes, or perhaps some other
> tutorial/primer pointer, for the truly clueless among us, such as I?
Heh, no there isn't one.  I'd offer to write one, but as people who know me
would willingly attest, I suck at writing documentation/teaching. ;-)  

Despite what I said above, I do plan on upgrading mutt in the near future.
Actually, I've been meaning to for some time but never have.  We have a new
machine to migrate to and I'm hoping mutt 1.0 will be out when I move over and
I'll install that.  I've watched the IMAP dev fairly closely and there are
some very good reasons for going to a more recent version of mutt.  So if you
are going to have to recompile anyway, might as well go full-bore. ;-)

"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the
United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
                                -- Samual Adams

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