At  4:41 PM EDT on July 16 Pete Toscano sent off:
> i use procmail to pre-sort all my incoming email.  i also have 
> beep_new set.  from what i understand, when this is set,
> mutt will beep whenever a new message comes in to any new folder.  
> this works fine.  what i want to do is have mutt only beep when 
> new messages arrive in certain folders.

You can specify which mailboxes mutt should watch with "mailboxes" in
your .muttrc, but unless you're not using X, you might want to try
something else, like xbuffy,

Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect.  - Mark Twain
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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