On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 09:00:54PM +0200, Marco Goetze wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14 1999, at 14:45 -0400, David Thorburn-Gundlach wrote:
> >I wanted to shoot a message to someone for analysis, so I carefully
> >set mime_fwd and then selected 'f'orward from the index.  Imagine my
> >surprise when he asked me for a complete message :-)
> >
> >What did I miss?  Is there something else to set to ensure that I send
> >the *whole* message, including in particular the Received: headers,
> >when I forward an item?
> Do the following settings occur in your configuration?  Otherwise, try 
> them:
>   set mime_forward=yes
>   set mime_forward_decode=no
> Not sure whether the latter option exists in 0.95.x, though.

I've had this same question, in the past, though haven't put it to the
list... what might be "nice" to see is the default action of "foward"
change to something like "forward with full headers" when you have the
"full headers" option toggled...

Russell M. Van Tassell

 "NEWS FLASH!! Today the East German pole-vault champion became the West
  German pole-vault champion."

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