A quick examination seems to indicate that the mutt, exim combination
gives one an all-or-nothing "solution" with bcc.

Exim doesn't touch bcc headers and cites an RFC.

Apparently if 'write_bcc' is unset, then _no_ bcc headers are written by
mutt to _any_ recipient, and if 'write_bcc' is set, the bcc headers are
written to _all_ recipients.

Is there a way to have bcc headers _not_ written to the "To:" recipient,
but have them written the "Bcc:" recipients (and included in the
copy written to my outbox as a result of 'set copy=yes' and
'set record=+outbox'.

Pann McCuaig          [EMAIL PROTECTED]       PO Box 55549, Seattle, WA 98155
Technical Manager                          Phone: (206) 782-7733 ext 122
SSC, Inc.             www.ssc.com            Fax: (206) 782-7191
Linux Journal         www.linuxjournal.com

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