
I am having great trouble confguring the following setup in mutt

[root@localhost root]# mutt -v
Mutt 0.95.4us (1999-03-03)
System: Linux 2.2.5-22 [using slang 10202]
Compile options:

I have accounts on several machines (let's call them imap.one.com,
imap.two.org and imap.three.net). On some machines, I have several
accounts with separate mail spool files (and I want to keep it that
way) ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]). In some accounts, I also have several
mailboxes (mail/inbox, mail/list etc).

In pine, I can read from all of these in one "instance" of pine (using
different CNAMEs for imap.two.org depending on whether i want to read
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s or [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s mail...) but I can't have different From: and
Reply-To: info and different signatures dependent on what folder i am.
THAT, I can have in mutt. Has anyone got any leads on how to configure the

I can't even get mutt to open/goto the IMAP mailboxes without explicitly
telling it to open a new mailbox... or isn't that possible in mutt (as in
pine: go to next mailbox with tab [or whatever] when all's read in the
current mailbox...)

Thanks a million in advance!


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