Hi, folks --
...and then Kim DeVaughn said...
% On Fri, Jul 02, 1999, David Thorburn-Gundlach ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
% |
% | I have taken to storing letters in my mailbox when I have read them but
% | still want a reminder that there's something to do. I'm interested in
% | adding additional flags; I know about NOrD and KPSM as well as FCT+*!
% | but envisioned packing a few extra flags, such as t(ask), m(isc), b(ulk),
% | and such into the first ("status") column.
% I have a patch that I absolutely could not do without that may be of
% interest to you.
It sounds *exactly* like what I would love to have :-)
% Originally by Sean Ahern, I refer to it as the "flag_text" patch. It
% allows *you* to add an arbitrary string to any message, which gets
% stored in an X-header line (so it doesn't work with mh-style mailboxes,
% or probably other similar style boxes).
I figured it would have to be something like this...
% It allows you to have an index something like:
% _____[this is the added field, set at 4 chars in my .muttrc]
% ||||
% ||||
% vvvv
% 20 S!tip Jul 02 Ralf Hildebrand ( 51) |*>
% 21 !tip Jul 02 Andreas Wessel ( 22) `*>
% 22 !info Jul 02 Nathan Stratton ( 32) Re: Showing threads
% 23 D Jul 02 Jeremy Blosser ( 37) Re: help moving from exmh->mutt
% 24 S Jul 02 David Thorburn- ( 49) additional flags
% 25 NS Jul 02 David Thorburn- ( 109) Re: installation errors for Mutt 0.9
% where the width of the "text_flag" is user definable (with an appropriate
% pair of macros, the display can be toggled between showing and not showing
% that field, if one needs to narrow the display, so that more of the subject
% field is visible, etc).
Cool beans...
% To Sean's original patch, I added the capability to sort based on the flag
% text field, as well as search/limit/etc on it, as well as a few other bells
% and whistles.
Woo hoo!
% But ...
% ... I've been lazy WRT mutt development over the past ~year. The most
% recent mutt that I updated all my patches for is 0.88.14i, so I suppose
% it will take some work to make it work with the current revision levels.
I knew that there would be a catch :-)
% If you (or anyone else) is interested in integrating it into the current
% rev, I'll be more than happy to email you a copy of the patch, as is.
I'd be happy to take the copy, but won't pretend that I'm any sort of
C coder; I'd pretty much be hacking blindly in the dark.
Um, any other takers out there?
% /kim
...and then rfi from Rich Roth said...
% You might check out my slang language extensions, which allows adding an
% arbitrty headers and doing whatever you want with them (display, sort, tag,
% etc). I built a whole project/tag manager with them.
% It's all at:
% http://www.katn.com/opensw/#mutt
I'll certainly check that out. Um, I don't even know how to see
whether I built against s-lang or ncurses, though, since it doesn't
tell me in `mutt -v`. Do I care either way?
% The last version I did was 0.95 (which I'll upgrade to 1.0 - whenever we get
% there-did I miss it ? <g>, I'm a week behind reading the list.)
That ought to be close enough for me...
% --
% Later ...
% Rich Roth --- On-the-Net
% Direct: Box 927, Northampton, MA 01061, Voice: 413-586-9668
% Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Url: http://www.on-the-net.com
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David Thorburn-Gundlach * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Helping out at Pfizer
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