On Wed, 07 Jul 1999, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:

> > text/html; (netscape -remote 'openFile(%s)' || netscape %s)\; sleep 10; \
> >        test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

> Could you explain what is really going here? Why the two calls to
> netscape sparated by ||?

This first tries to start netscape -remote, which exits with a value
!=0 if no netscape is actually running. In this case the "or" (||)
part is executed and a new netscape is started.

> Why the \ after the ) to protect the ;?

Because an unquoted ";" is the mailcap separator. But what I want to
do here is to execute two commands (netscape and sleep) one after the
other, so the "\;" is a ";" for the shell executing the mailcap

> Are the alternatives whether netscape is already running or not?




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