Barbara --
...and then Barbara K Jensen said...
% Excerpts from mail: 30-Jun-99 Re: installation errors for.. by David
% > > 1. When Mutt is started or ended, it insists on doing a message count
% >
% > When Mutt is started, it reads your inbox. What on earth would you want
% I don't want it to fetch all of my messages by default, because with a
% lot of messages, this takes a lot of time. I just want it to fetch a
% screenful, or the unread ones, or a few I plan to look at for now, so I
% can load mutt and start working within a few seconds.
I get the impression that you're using IMAP, and I'm no IMAP expert,
but it seems to me that mutt has to read the mailbox to know which
ones are read and which aren't. Now, if you only wanted to get the
top few in the box, you might be able to get away with not reading the
whole thing, but even getting just the bottom few will require going
through them all to get there. Um, right?
% > When Mutt is exited, it records any changes to your mailbox. You do
% > want your deleted or read messages to be actually removed or marked as
% > read, don't you?
% Yes, however, when I don't actually do any reading or deleting, and
% simply exit without making changes, why does it still need to sort
% through everything?
If you just exit and make no changes, then try exiting with 'x' instead
of quitting with 'q'; the former abandons any changes (including any
status updates it might attempt, like changing new-unread messages
to old-unread).
% This brings up another complaint with Mutt's exit routine: when I quit
% Mutt, after the "move read messages" query, Mutt asks if I want to purge
% deleted messages. This part is in error, however, because what it is
% really asking is whether it should update the IMAP server with message
% information. No matter if I answer Y or N, Mutt still expunges messages
% from the IMAP server. This is only confusing when I answer No, because
% then previously deleted messages (for example, from another mail client
% session) DO get expunged, but currently deleted messages (from my
% current mutt session) simply get undeleted, which I don't want either.
You're definitely out of my league now :-)
% > Are you suggesting that other mail programs somehow take less time to
% > read the mail folder, or write out and updated folder? Why would that
% > be?
% Because other mail programs don't fetch all automatically. They don't
% thread all the messages, which is not as nice, but significantly faster
% if it is only required to fetch a current few. Perhaps there is a
% no-thread option on Mutt startup that I missed? If so, that might
There sure is; set your sort to just about anything except "threads".
The fastest would be "unsorted", and "received" ought to be almost as
% increase startup time drastically.
I hope you mean "decrease"; we could probably find a way to *increase*
startup time, but most folks don't like that ;-)
% Thanks,
% barbara
David Thorburn-Gundlach * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Helping out at Pfizer Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
"Why2k? Well, I didn't think at the time that I could charge any more!"
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*
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