Shao Zhang dixit:
> [ ... pgp/mime sig ... ]

All the stuff you say means it was PGP/MIME signed.  With PGP/MIME the
signature is sent as an attachment, and it applies to the whole message
(including any other attachment), not just the text part of it.

You have no need to see the all the scrambled garbagge, Mutt takes care
of it, calls your crypto system (hopefully GnuPG, else PGP ;-) ), and
shows you the output of verification.  Clean and nice!

>       I am expecting something like: [ ... app/pgp sig ... ]

which is old style application/pgp.  Old but still useful since most
crippled mail systems (eg. Outlook) are unable to recognize the above
mentioned PGP/MIME.  Have a look at Rosenfeld's web page (I think it's and look for the keybindings file.  Apply
it to your mutt config file and you'll be able to sign that way at the
touch of a couple of keys.

Valencia - ESPAŅA

PGP signature

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