on Jul 02, Eric Smith wrote:
> Hi
> How would I enter a send hook command into my muttrc so that it inserts a
> different signature conditional upon the recipient?
I personally use the followings when posting to mutt-users-list (English
#Specify signature and attribution with respect to recipient
send-hook . set signature=~/.signature
send-hook . 'set attribution="le %d, %n a écrit :"'
# Let my .sig and attribution be in English for mutt-users list
send-hook mutt-users set signature=~/.sig.eng
send-hook mutt-users 'set attribution="on %d, %n wrote:"'
> Better still is it possible to always send my standard signature but then
> to have a say privacy warning printed below it conditional upon the
> recipient.
I suggest creating 2 sig-files, the standard one and the one including the
privacy warning, and using the same method as above.
{~._.~} Renaud COLINET |
()~*~() (33)1 48 42 22 80 (home) |
(_)-(_) (33)1 41 75 31 37 (off) |