>On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 04:56:52PM -0500 Rob Reid wrote:
> rxvt. It even takes less memory than xterm. There are a lot of
> variants of rxvt out there, but rxvt is a good place to start, and you
> probably already have it.
Can anyone give me a pointer to where I can pick up a version for SunOS 5.5.1.
I seem to get kicked out of:
when my browser tries to FTP it (sorry no terminal FTP support for me).
Appl. Product Development S/W Engineer, Dispensing Group FANUC Robotics, NA.
Douglas L. Potts Phone: 248-377-7990 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Zero is the number which is unlimited in its nothingness..."
- Doug Potts 7/28/97