Hi there. For most of the time i was using fetchmail, smail and procmail for my private workstation to handle all the mailing lists (MLs). Just out of curiosity i started using exim as my MTA and... wow... i am impressed. It's much easier to configure than smail/sendmail, is still lightweight (allways a concern for me), has a RBL spamfilter included and you can also filter your you emails with it so i was able to purge procmail from my computer. My opinion right now? I tried some, but exim is for sure the best solution to handle your private email. This is what replaced my ~/.procmailrc: # Exim filter if error_message then finish endif if $h_sender: matches "owner-(.*)@" then save Mail/inbox.$1 elif $h_x-mailing-list: matches "([a-z0-9\-]+)@" then save Mail/inbox.$1 elif not delivered then save Mail/inbox endif Much more readable even if you see it for the first time. -- Holger -- + PGP || GnuPG key -> finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] + +++ Debian/GNU Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +++ ICQ: 2882018 +++