Since upgrading from 0.95.4 to 0.95.5, I've found that three of my macros no
longer work.  Pressing the targeted keys produces no result (not even
garbage).  The macros are :

macro index \Cq "<tag-pattern>.<enter><tag-prefix>d<untag-pattern>.<enter>"
macro index \Cw "<tag-pattern>.<enter><tag-prefix>u<untag-pattern>.<enter>"
macro index <Tab> "<change-folder><enter>"

Is there some obvious reason that I've missed that would stop these from
working ?  I've read through the ChangeLog but couldn't find anything



James FitzGibbon (JF647)                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EHLO Solutions                                       Voice/Fax +1 416 410-0100

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