On 06/07/99 Brandon Long uttered the following other thing:
> On 06/07/99 Jeremy Chadwick uttered the following other thing:
> [good long discussion of padding spaces in mutt]
> Mutt doesn't do this, slang does. This is a known problem in slang, if
> my memory serves me. People haven't mentioned it in a while, but I
> believe that when slang is putting things in color (which may be
> default, I imagine), it pads out to end of line with spaces. Recently,
> this came up on comp.mail.mutt as well.
> The solution? Well, you can speak with John Davis, author of slang, or
> try ncurses. Perhaps there is something we can do in mutt to keep slang
> from doing this, I don't know.
Wow, hasn't this all caused a lot of vehement discussion.
My memory is slightly cloudy, I admit, but I just reproduced the problem
as I remembered it.
With xterm "XFree86" as the terminal, terminfo from redhat 5.2
mutt 0.96.2 with slang 1.2.2 on redhat 6:
non colored lines are properly terminated
colored lines have spaces all the way to the edge of the screen
This can be seen either by cutting and pasting the entire line, or when
you highlight a colored line to select it, notice that the inverse color
actually goes to the edge of the screen.
With ncurses 4.2, this does not happen. When you highlight a colored
line, only the part of the line which was in color will be in reverse
color, the rest of the line is reverse of the regular screen color.
This is white on black, with all colors as color on black. I verified
that mutt was linked with the right version of the library in each case.
This is the problem I remembered. I do not know if this is fixed in the
latest version of slang, and I have never seen ncurses do this, but I
haven't exhaustively tested it either.
Brandon Long "money can't buy you love but it can buy you
Fiction Networks an orgasm which is a damn good consolation prize"
- Anne Nowinski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.fiction.net/blong/