On mutt-users [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>=2E..and then Lorens Kockum said...
>% On mutt-users [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>% >
>% >I have procmail handing a carbon copy off to a script which then stuff
>% ^^^^^^
>% That script should do the work of stripping unwanted info.
>I thought about that, too, but the headers are there when it gets to
>pagenet and pagenet already knows how to strip it them -- so why
>should I do the work?
Hmmm. So you send a mail to the pager company, and they strip
out the headers of the mail. Your problem is that the body of
the mail you sent contains the headers of the original message
sent to your account, right?
So, your script should either parse out the headers and generate
new ones (since you probably want to keep the From), which I
agree isn't very smart, or... use the original mail's headers.
Bounce... yes, like you do when you "bounce" using mutt.
All you have to do is inject your mail so that the headers in it
are treated as headers and not as body.
You mentioned that you use qmail; simply use qmail-inject and
not sendmail. Don't forget the -f flag so that eventual bounces
("error" bounces) go to you and not to the unsuspecting guy who
sent you a mail.
I think this should solve your problem, hope it does. HAND.
#include <std_disclaim.h> Lorens Kockum