On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 12:23:27PM -0400, Jailbait wrote:
> Only marginally mutt related...
> So, I read 95% of my mail on a machine remote to my physical location in an
> xterm.
> I run my instance of Netscape locally.
> I'd like to pass urls to the local NS from the remote urlview.
> Has anyone done this?

I just wanted to mention an alternative way of opening URLs which
appears in mail messages. Usually URLs appear on a single line like


Then you can just triple click on that line to mark it, move the mouse
cursor "somewhere inside the Netscape window"[1] and click the middle
mouse button. This will open the webpage. (Of course, if the URL appears
in the middle of a sentence then just mark it by dragging).

I find this just as easy as using Urlview. This is especially true when
there are lots of URLs in the message, because in Urlview you lose the
context of the URL.

Just my $0.02

Pål Sommerhein

[1] Not in the menus of course.

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