On Sun, Jun 06, 1999 at 08:10:41PM +0200, Stefan `Sec` Zehl wrote:
>| I just noticed a somewhat strange behavior of .95.6 which .95.5 did not
>| have.
>| Scenario: Take a Mailbox with several Mails marked as new. Position on
>| the first one, press ENTER, and read all of them with TAB until you get
>| taken beack to the index.
>| With .95.5 you would now be on the message you last read. .95.6 takes
>| you back to the message you started reading with ENTER.

I can confirm this behavior.

>| CU,
>|     Sec
>| -- 
>|       If a trainstation is where a train stops, what is a workstation?



Salvatore Sciacco

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