If you use a macro such as
macro index I "^T~A<Return>1<Return><Esc>t<Esc>t<Esc>t<Esc>t<Esc>t;s"
you would get a save prompt for the 5 oldest threads assuming:
set sort=threads
set sort_aux=last-date-sent
By repeating the <Esc>t pattern, you could get what you want.
(In testing this I also note that the key combination ;<Esc>t does not
produce an error, though it seems it should since it does not tag all
the threads where a message is already tagged.)
> I tried my suggestion and quickly realized that threading is not only
> not the sort method when I select "unsorted" but is also not even
> available, so I couldn't <tag-thread>. Since everything in the box is
> read (no N or O flags), I simply set the N flag on the last 100
> messages by using my handy keyboard repeat (anyone have a better idea,
> since pattern matching wouldn't apply here?), re-sorted by thread,
> used <tab> to jump from new message to new message, and <tag-thread>ed
> them as I went; finally I was able to <tag-save> all of these
> somewhere else and then compress the mailbox with my old scripts.
> It's not too clean, since it's actually the reverse of what I want
> (move the ones I want to keep somewhere out of the way, rather than
> moving the ones I want to archive directly there), but it's a start.
> I think it more likely that I will take threads that finish up and use
> the compressed-folders capability to stick the messages on the end of
> my compressed archive or just save those threads off somewhere, compress
> them alone, and then append to the (big!) archive.
Five hundred, twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, how do you measure...?
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