On 05/26/99 Gerrit Holl uttered the following other thing:
> Hello,
> is it possible to read newsgroups with mutt?
> If so, how?
Either by using something like my patch:
Or a program like fetchnews.
My patch is alpha, and I make no claims that you won't have trouble with
it. Hence, you need to be able to patch and compile mutt.
> If not, does anyone know a good console newsreader?
some people like slrn, though I could never get past the single
pager/index thing. Others like tin. Personally, if I'm not using
mutt+nntp, I use nn.
Brandon Long "I refuse to believe the afterlife is run by you.
Fiction L Networks The world is not so badly designed."
-- Picard to Q in STTNG/Tapestry