On 05/03/99 Andreas Siegert uttered the following other thing:
> Hi,
> been offline for a while, so I donīt know if this is old,
> Does mutt support LDAP Directories for Address books?

At the top of the page at http://www.fiction.net/blong/programs/mutt/
there are a bunch of scripts which allow mutt to connect to various
external directories, including
which will allow you to use an ldap server.  See 4.4 External Address
Queries in the mutt manual for more information.

Brandon Long ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             [http://www.fiction.net/blong/]

  "Pets are loving, trusting creatures.  Do not treat them with the same
       cruelty and neglect you do your children."  -- The Onion 35.1

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