On 1999-05-06 11:31:01 +0000, Andreas Wessel wrote: > I have the same probelm _and_ I'm using the "pgp-procmail-entry". > Works fine with pgpversions < 602. But NOT with 602 - That version > gives just plaintext... Strange. I'm regularly corresponding with a person who uses 6.0.2i with Lotus Notes, and things just work out fine.
- Mutt-PGP and PGP602 for Win Erik van der Meulen
- FW: Mutt-PGP and PGP602 for Win Erik van der Meulen
- Re: FW: Mutt-PGP and PGP602 for Win Thomas Roessler
- Re: FW: Mutt-PGP and PGP602 for Win Thomas Roessler
- Re: FW: Mutt-PGP and PGP602 for W... Thomas Roessler
- Re: FW: Mutt-PGP and PGP602 ... Thomas Roessler
- Re: FW: Mutt-PGP and PGP602 ... David Thorburn-Gundlach