paul dixit:
~> I'm migrating from Netscape Mail to mutt (Yes, that means I'm a newbie )
~> I installed the the international veersion of mutt so I can use PGP.
~> I have a couple of questions about setting it up.
~> 1. When I started mutt it indicated that /var/spool/mail/paul did not
~> exist, so I created it with mkdir. When I restarted mutt, it indicated
~> that what I created was not a mailbox. So how does one create a mailbox?
I think that's got to do with permissions, make sure it belongs to group
# chgrp mail paul
ops! paul shouldn't be a directory, but a file in /var/spool/mail/
~> 2. After reading the FAQ, I went searching for my .muttrc file in my
~> home directory, but was unable to locate it, yes I did a ls -a,
~> shouldn't there be a default .muttrc that I can modify to my needs?
There should be one it /etc/, copy it to your home dir.
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