On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 01:47:02PM -0400, David Shaw wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 01:30:50PM -0400, kiss the sun and walk on air wrote:
> > The documentation for MIME references a script called RunningX for use
> > with the test parameter in the .mailcap file. Where may one find this?
> http://www.fiction.net/blong/programs/mutt/autoview/RunningX.c
> I suppose you could just test for the presence of $DISPLAY and if it
> exists, you are running X.  Does anyone know of any circumstances where
> that could fail?

Yep. I use screen, but actually log in from different X displays, and
sometimes even from text-only-Terminals. So half of the time my $DISPLAY
is pointing to a wrong display.

Dennis Ritchie:  "So fsck was originally called something else"
Question:        "what was it called?"
Dennis Ritchie:  "Well, the second letter was different."

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