I receive mailing lists in separate mail boxes and mutt knows
about them.

Unfortunately mutt rarely shows the sender name in the main
menu, but instead the To: or CC: list name which I already know.

How can I configure mutt to show the sender (author)?

I know that manual.txt says:
  Now that Mutt knows what your mailing lists are, it can do several
  things, the first of which is the ability to show the list name in the
  index menu display.  This is useful to distinguish between personal
  and list mail in the same mailbox.  In the ``$index_format'' variable,
  the escape ``%L'' will return the string ``To <list>'' when ``list''
  appears in the ``To'' field, and ``Cc <list>'' when it appears in the
  ``Cc'' field (otherwise it returns the name of the author).

I don't want that behavior. I want to see the name from the From:

A set receipt will be very much appreciated.

Med venlig hilsen / Regards 
Netdriftgruppen / Network Management Group

Tlf./Phone   +45 35 87 89 41        Mail:  UNI-C                                
Fax.         +45 35 87 89 90               Bygning 304
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       DK-2800 Lyngby

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