In my long-running struggle to convert from elm to mutt, I think I have found why elm can send mail and why mutt can't. It seems to be related to utility included with elm called sndmail which acts like a preprocessor for sendmail and formats the command line correctly in a routine called mailmsg2.c with the following code:- Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Precedence: bulk sprintf(very_long_buffer,"sndmail %s -af %s -f %s@%s %s >nul 2>&1", background ? "-bg" : "", whole_msg_file, username, hostfromname, strip_parens(strip_commas(expanded_to))); The -af flag seems like a flag from old versions of sendmail for OS/2. It isn't mentioned in the SENDMAIL book, but I guess the equivalent is the re-direct sign '<'. Any help in getting the above line set up correctly for the sendmail option in my muttrc would be very much appreciated. Thanks, -- John