[Lars Hecking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> How do I handle application/x-be_attribute in mutt? I'm using
> David Pearson's mutt.octet.filter, if that's important, and
> have no access to systems running BeOS.
An application/x-be_attribute contains all the attributes attached
to the previously enclosed file. Attributes in bfs have a name, a
type (uint32), a length (uint64), and some raw data. The contents
of an application/x-be_attribute look like (after you un-base64 'em):
( <name> <type> <length> <data> )+
name: zero terminated utf8 string
type: big endian 32 bit int
length: big endian 64 bit unsigned int
data: <length> bytes of data
Most attributes are specific to the file type. One general attribute
that most files will have is "BEOS:TYPE" which is the MIME type of
the file it's attached to.
Brian J. Swetland | Kernel Engineer | "Oh! Smells like ANSI's been here."
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Be Incorporated | -- Larry Wall, Perl 5 Configure