Hello, I'm using Mutt with support for PGP. As i'm subbed to several lists i sometimes see a posting with a signature of my own. Mutt tells me there was a 'Good signature', but also says 'This signature applies to another message'. What does imply this last line? Also, when vieuwing the signature block myself, the first line after the opening '--- BEGIN...' says which version i'm using. The next line says 'MessageID: nnn' with nnn as a number which is not the same as the message id in the header (which is very logic as this message-id in the header gets added later by Sendmail). The number looks encrypted as well, as there are no @'s or domainname in it. Any ideas? Thanx, -Rejo. -- = SISTER RAY [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] / REJO [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] = PGP: DSS B20D35F8, RSA FAE40065; finger [EMAIL PROTECTED], keyservers = Subscribe to Live & Local, more info at http://mediaport.org/~sister