On Mon, Mar 08, 1999 at 08:51:44AM +0100, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 07, 1999 at 10:38:59PM +1100, Russ Pitman wrote:
> >
> > Currently using Pine 4.x. Can I use my existing ~/HOME/mail
> > structure, or should it be rebuilt. If this is a rtfm ask, which doco and
> > where?
> Sure you can, just put all folders in a 'mailboxes' line in your .muttrc
I have used the following entries to emulate Pine defaults (I have
occasionally switched back and forth for a while):
# Make the mail folder same location as Pine
set folder="~/mail"
# Set the default fcc folder
set record="+sent-mail"
# make postpone folder same as Pine's
set postponed="+postponed-msgs"
# don't ask when appending to existing mailboxes
unset confirmappend
There is also a perl script to convert Pine's .addressbook to mutt
format. I have to admit, I still miss in Mutt the ability of Pine to "take"
addresses from the body of the e-mails (it can do the From: field).