Mark, et al --

...and then Mark Bainter said...
% I would like to see the option to select from a list of from addresses the way
% you can to/cc/bcc addresses.  I use several different email addresses, and

I like that idea, since I'm in the same boat, but I never get to see
this fancy menu everyone talks about because I have edit_hdrs turned 
on (and am happy about it, generally).  However, I do have all of my 
other addresses aliased; maybe the easiest answer would be to have the 
^From: line that comes out of the composition menu (am I saying that
right?) subject to alias expansion just like the ^To:, ^Cc:, and ^Bcc:
lines; it's easy to change it to something short like "me-choice" or
"me-bigfoot" or whatever, and then all of the pretty formatting and
capitals will automagically appear..


David Thorburn-Gundlach         * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Helping out at Pfizer
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

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