Andy Smith [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Below is an extract from the headers of a mail received from a mailing
> list (majordomo). The reply function in mutt (r in the index screen)
> automatically chooses [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the reply address ;-),
> but the reply function in both messenger and xfmail choose Andy Smith
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as the reply address.
> Can someone tell me what strategy mutt has followed to arrive at this
> conclusion?
Most likely you have 'metoo' unset. From the manual:
### metoo
### Type: boolean
### Default: unset
### If unset, Mutt will remove your address from the list of recipients when
### replying to a message. If you are replying to a message sent by you,
### Mutt will also assume that you want to reply to the recipients of that
### message rather than to yourself.
Note that this is the behaviour when 'metoo' is UNset.
Jeremy Blosser | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
"Would you fight to the death, for that which you love?
In a cause surely hopeless ...for that which you love?"
-- D. McKiernan, _Dragondoom_
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