On 1999-01-20 11:50:24 +0100, Daniel González Gasull wrote:


> I have developed MuttEdit.ksh v1.0.  It is in the
> attachment of this message.

Oh yeah, un-tagged PGP messages.  How I love them.  (Please, use at
least application/pgp for the body parts in question.  What you're
generating currently is just unusable.  BTW, the script itself
wasn't signed at all.)

Anyway, I'd like to suggest you change the name of your script:
There is an editor named "the mutt editor" which is completely
unrelated to our MUA.  Your script's name is begging for confusion.

Thomas Roessler ˇ 74a353cc0b19 ˇ dg1ktr ˇ http://home.pages.de/~roessler/
     2048/CE6AC6C1 ˇ 4E 04 F0 BC 72 FF 14 23 44 85 D1 A1 3B B0 73 C1
> Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

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