>  taken from Jeffrey Haas (Apr 05)...

>Many (most? all?) operations only work on visible messages.
>So, after your limit, simply to a:

i've tried that, but it doesn't work.  it will tag all messages in the
mailbox (not just the one's shown).

for example, when i open my temp box, i get this mutt header:

Mutt 0.85e: =temp (threads) [27/27] [N=0,*=0,post=0,new=0]                             

which shows 27 of 27 messages with 0 tagged.  when i limit on those
messages that are cc'd to mutt-users i get the following:

Mutt 0.85e: =temp (threads) [2/27] [N=0,*=0,post=0,new=0]                              

which shows 2 of 27 messages (0 tagged still).  now if i do a "Tall"
command i get this header:

Mutt 0.85e: =temp (threads) [2/27] [N=0,*=27,post=0,new=0]                             

which shows 2 of 27 messages, but all 27 are tagged.  it's not until i
do a specific tag on each message that i get the desired results:

Mutt 0.85e: =temp (threads) [2/27] [N=0,*=2,post=0,new=0]                              

which shows 2 of 27 messages, with only the 2 messages tagged.

perhaps the newer versions of mutt handle this better... i'm in the
process of upgrading from 0.85e.

any other suggestions?

>On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 01:27:32PM -0700, Todd Strilchuk wrote:
>> is there any way to have the search pattern used for a limit command
>> to simultaneously apply to a tag command?  usually i limit my inbox
>> based on certain mailing lists (i.e. mutt-users) and want to tag all
>> of the messages that are shown in the menu to group save them to
>> another mail box.  right now i'm doing a limit and then simply holding
>> down the "t" key to tag all messages shown.  there must be an easier
>> way, no?  note: i don't want to do filtering, since i like to scan all
>> the subject lines and un-tag certain messages before saving the rest.


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