On 04/02/99 Sverre Slotte uttered the following other thing:
> Dear mutters,
> The company I work for has in its infinite wisdome decided to to start
> using MS Exchange as our email backbone. The only silver lining is
> that Exchange supports IMAP, so I can continue using mutt.
> I recently bumped into a problem, though. When reading a message from
> an IMAP server with mutt does not convert the QP mess (stuff like =E4
> instead of ä) into readable text, but shows me the =E4's etc.
> When reading the same message with mutt from a normal Unix mailbox the
> text looks fine, so this must have something to do with the way mutt
> handles IMAP mailboxes.
> Can anyone help me? I use a version of mutt configured thusly:

This is a known bug.  Upgrade to the latest version of either the stable
or unstable branch for the fix.

 Brandon Long             "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from 
 Fiction L Networks             doing what is right!"
                                            -- Isaac Asimov

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