On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 04:45:21PM +0100, Stefan `Sec` Zehl wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 03:27:54PM +0000, Einar Indridason wrote:
> > - Is it possible to somehow tell mutt: "Hey, this message can be marked in
> > someway on (for example) 17th of june, as it will have 'expired' and I
> > don't want to/need to read this message after that time."
> mutt understands the standard 'Expires:'-Header. The condition 'Expired'
> is matchable with the pattern '~E'.
Yes, but doesn't this assume the message was marked to expire by the
sender? I think Einar was asking how to easily/quickly mark a received
message to expire. Of course, one can edit the headers manually and save
the edited copy...