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Stefan Leupers writes:
> Hi Folks!
> I'm using "Mutt 0.95.3i (1999-02-12)" on a Solaris Machine (SunOS aken61 5.6 
>Generic_105181-09 sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCstation-5) and would like to use PGP 2.6.3 or 
>5.0, too. Mutt works great. PGP is installed locally in my home directory 
>(~/tools/bin). PGP is working and available via PATH variable.
 Are you sure? mutt's configure searches PATH.

> Problem:
> Unfortunately mutt's configure does not find PGP and so PGP support is missing.  :-(
 Any clues from config.log why configure doesn't find it?

> What can I do to make mutt recognizing my PGP installation? I didn't find anything 
>about my problem in the docs. Just setting pgp_v2 or pgp_v5 in .muttrc does not work.
> Any hints? Please.

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