On Thu 1999-02-25 (20:33), Liviu Daia wrote:
> The messages are malformed, a "multipart/mixed" attachment cannot
> be encoded as quoted-printable. In order to make the messages valid,
> remove the top-level "Content-Transfer-Encoding:".
The procmail-rule
:0 f
* ^Content-Type: multipart
| formail -R Content-Transfer-Encoding X-Content-Transfer-Encoding
fixes this problem.
But I still think, mutt should handle this by itself by ignoring the
illegal Content-Transfer-Encoding Header - or at least, display an error
message. A normal user would think the message is empty.
-- Ulli Horlacher, BelWue Coordination ---------- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] --
Computing Centre University of Stuttgart (RUS) phone: +49 711 685 5868
Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany fax: +49 711 678 8363
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