On Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 12:57:52AM -0800, Daniel Eisenbud 
> On Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 02:52:36AM -0500, Randall J. Million <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > What are the problems that you have with this?  It would take just a
> > > tiny bit of code to add a "trash_folder" variable, which when set, would
> > > receive a copy of deleted messages.  But I'm not sure what doesn't work
> > > about the above?
> > 
> > 1. You cannot undelete messages and have them removed from the Trash
> >    folder.
> > 2. It is possible to delete a message multiple times (and svae it to the
> >    Trash folder multiple times). Limited accoutn space made the
> >    duplicated messages hard to deal with.
> Hmm.  I guess the time to save the mesags to the trash folder would be
> when actually synchronizing the mailbox, then.

Something about this that I somehow failed to consider is that this will
save a copy of a message to the trash folder when you are just trying to
copy the message to another mailbox, rather than delete it.  Maybe we
need a flag which gets set when the message is succesfully saved

> Hmm, I wonder how hard this would be to code?  Looking at the code a
> bit, I come to the conclusion that it would be trivial to do this, but
> such an implementation would have the problem that we would sometimes
> save a copy of the message to the trash mailbox but then fail to
> synchronize the folder.  By the time we successfully synchronized the
> folder, we would have several copies of the message in the trash.  This
> is not so bad, since this is just a backup mechanism, and too many is
> much better than too few.  But it is still a bit ugly.  Alternatives are
> to do this from within the routines specific to different types of
> mailboxes, after we have checked for new messages and dealt with
> locking.  That would be a bit ugly too.  A third alternative would be to
> split up the various sync functions into two parts, but I don't know if
> this change justifies that.  I will think about this a little bit more.

For the moment, I did this the easy way.  It should work fine, but
if you have a lot of new mail arriving, you may get multiple copies of
deleted mails in the trash folder.  Also, as stated above, a copy of all
copied mail will also end up in the trash folder.  If there is
sufficient interest in this patch, I plan to fix both of these things,

Oh yeah, the variable name is $trash_folder.  And no, it isn't yet smart
enough to actually delete the messages when you're in the trash folder,
so you'll need a folder-hook if you want to do that.  I plan on fixing
that, too.

So be cautious with this patch.  I can't see how it could do anything
worse than failing to save your deleted messages to the trash, or
causing a coredump.  It should do neither of those things, but it's late
at night, so I might have missed something obvious.

After applying the patch, you will have to run "make clean" before
recompiling mutt, if you've already compiled in that source tree before.


Daniel Eisenbud
diff -durpN mutt-0.95.3/globals.h mutt-0.95.3.trashfolder/globals.h
--- mutt-0.95.3/globals.h       Thu Jan  7 01:14:40 1999
+++ mutt-0.95.3.trashfolder/globals.h   Wed Feb 17 01:42:42 1999
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ WHERE char *StChars;
 WHERE char *Status;
 WHERE char *Tempdir;
 WHERE char *Tochars;
+WHERE char *TrashFolder;
 WHERE char *Username;
 WHERE char *Visual;
diff -durpN mutt-0.95.3/init.h mutt-0.95.3.trashfolder/init.h
--- mutt-0.95.3/init.h  Wed Feb 10 08:20:11 1999
+++ mutt-0.95.3.trashfolder/init.h      Wed Feb 17 01:42:06 1999
@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ struct option_t MuttVars[] = {
   { "tilde",           DT_BOOL, R_PAGER, OPTTILDE, 0 },
   { "timeout",         DT_NUM,  R_NONE, UL &Timeout, 600 },
   { "tmpdir",          DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &Tempdir, 0 },
+  { "trash_folder",    DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &TrashFolder, UL "" },
   { "to_chars",                DT_STR,  R_BOTH, UL &Tochars, UL " +TCF" },
   { "use_8bitmime",    DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTUSE8BITMIME, 0 },
   { "use_domain",      DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTUSEDOMAIN, 1 },
diff -durpN mutt-0.95.3/mx.c mutt-0.95.3.trashfolder/mx.c
--- mutt-0.95.3/mx.c    Tue Feb  9 15:53:40 1999
+++ mutt-0.95.3.trashfolder/mx.c        Wed Feb 17 02:55:12 1999
@@ -946,6 +946,7 @@ void mx_update_tables(CONTEXT *ctx, int 
 int mx_sync_mailbox (CONTEXT *ctx)
   int rc, i;
+  CONTEXT *trash;
   if (ctx->dontwrite)
@@ -988,8 +989,33 @@ int mx_sync_mailbox (CONTEXT *ctx)
        ctx->hdrs[i]->deleted = 0;
       ctx->deleted = 0;
-  }
+    else if (TrashFolder && *TrashFolder)
+    {
+      rc = 0;
+      mutt_message (_("Copying deleted to %s..."), TrashFolder);
+      trash = mx_open_mailbox (TrashFolder, M_APPEND, NULL);
+      if (trash)
+      {
+       for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount && !rc; i++)
+       {
+         if (ctx->hdrs[i]->deleted)
+           rc = mutt_append_message (trash, ctx, ctx->hdrs[i], 0, CH_UPDATE_LEN);
+       }
+       mx_close_mailbox (trash);
+       safe_free ((void **) &trash);
+      }
+      else
+       rc = -1;
+      if (rc)
+      {
+       mutt_error (_("Could not copy deleted to %s"), TrashFolder);
+       return (-1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
   if ((rc = sync_mailbox (ctx)) == 0)
     mutt_message (_("%d kept, %d deleted."), ctx->msgcount - ctx->deleted,

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